Sunday, November 6, 2016

Week 22: Primer, Pavers and a Close Date

The close date has been scheduled for January 27th.  I'm thrilled to have a date for closing, but unfortunately it puts me on month-to-month at this apartment complex and the rent is ridiculous once I hit that point.  I looked at the numbers, and it would cost me more to get another storage unit and move out, then it would to just suck it up and pay the rent.  

With closing at the end of the month, I won't be able to move in right away due to Month End Close at work.  However I have already requested 2 weeks in February immediately after we are finished with closing the books and submitting the reports.  I do not want to move into the new house the way I moved out of the Plano house, piecemeal.  That was too stressful.

Waiting a few weeks to officially move in will allow for the carpet to be replaced and maybe some paint work.  

A lot of new changes at the house today.  All the primer paint for the walls appears to be done as well as the high gloss painting for the doors, trim, shelving in the pantries and the bathroom cabinets.  

Today I picked out the pavers that will be on the back porch.  The picture below is from the model, the paver I selected is darker and compliments the darker brick on my home.  I also met with my interior designer this afternoon and we completed the various room designs and furniture layouts.  Before the end of the month we will go out there and measure all the windows so the order for shutters can be placed.  We are trying to time this so that the window treatments and new furniture purchases come in right at the time of the closing.  That way things like window treatments can go in before the actual move in.  

Todays Pictures:

It was a rainy day today and I really liked how nice the brick looked in this weather.  I love rainy days like this, even stormy days for that matter.   

Constructions workers are SLOBS!!!

YAY!  The kitchen counter tops are in.  They are covered in plastic right now which is why I could not get a clean picture.

They did a great job making sure every inch of the cabinets were covered for painting the walls.  

Everywhere they painted with the high-gloss paints, they covered the floor and the area's around it.  This is the master bathroom cabinets.  I love all the graduated drawers.  The center area is the "vanity".  I won't ever use it but it looks nice.

All the drawers for the master bath cabinets.

These are the study doors, but they will be replaced with the correct doors; hopefully soon.  The only light in the main hallway comes from the front door, so I decided to make the study door glass pane.  Not sure if they will have to tear out the whole door frame, or just replace the doors.  

This is a picture of the model home back porch.  The pavers really add a nice finishing touch.  The pavers I selected are darker, I'll try and remember to take a picture next week.  

PS:  Love this model.  Unfortunately it was a higher price and it would have forced me to work for another 10 years to pay it off.  I want to retire in 5 years and the model I selected will allow me to meet that goal.  Plus it is over 3000 sq ft; I don't need that kind of space, I'd just clutter it up.  LOL    

I'm off to bed.

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